Lenneth Andrew

Alchemist, Arcanist

A bookish Duskwight of 33 summers, born on the Ninth Sun of the Third Umbral Moon (July 8th) and raised in Garlean-annexed Dalmasca. Lenneth is now an Eorzean citizen, as well as a member of the Blue Horizon Free Company. He has notably blue skin and hair, with moon-white eyes and a tendency to dress in a stylish, monochrome fashion.

In-Character Information


Lenneth is generally slow to warm to unfamiliar people. He can come across towards others as cold, uninterested, or superficial, and because Eorzean is his second language and largely book-learned, he tends to sound a bit stuffy even in casual conversation. He can be something of an absent-minded genius, sometimes forgetting key details or facts, and sometimes taking things a little too literally.

Lenneth isn't fantastic at interpersonal relationships, finding books and math to be much more understandable company. Underneath his exterior, he's actually timid and lonely for contact; he's just unsure how to reach out, and afraid of rejection if he does.

Once he feels comfortable around a person, though, he's friendly, flirty, and personable. While his friendship isn't always easy to earn because of his hesitancy to trust, once he's given it, he's loyal to a rather ridiculous degree, although that doesn't stop him from accidentally making things a bit awkward from time to time. Romantically, this bad boy can carry SO many torches...and he juggles them badly enough to occasionally burn himself, too.


Lenneth stands at a height of six fulms, eight ilms, and has a swimmer's physique: lean and wiry, with long arms and strong shoulders. He's slender enough that he's easy to mistake for a scrawny nerd, especially with his glasses. While in the past this was actually true, he's stronger and faster than he seems after a few years spent training and brawling.

He keeps a closely-cropped, very tidily maintained goatee, and has dark blue tattoos on both sides of his face, as well and full sleeves of geometric and arcane symbols and formulae down both arms. He favors nice clothing and fine materials, usually in dark blues and grays, though he's been known to wear violet and occasionally red.

Lenneth is unabashedly vain about taking care of his appearance, though he just calls it proper grooming. He usually smells very nice, as he has a fondness for upper-shelf Ishgardian toiletries and cologne. He especially favors woodsy, herbal smells, with faint floral top notes and a trace of musk. Lenneth might just be the best-moisturized man in Eorzea.


Lenneth grew up the younger of two children in a remote mining town in backwater Dalmasca, at the edge of the Estersands. He was small, frail, and bookish, making him an easy target for bullies (which unfortunately included his own family). Atherton Namir, another Duskwight child who was precociously big and strong for his age, took it upon himself to defend Lenneth wherever possible. The two became friends, and Lenneth found himself falling in love...which, seeing as they were both boys, was frowned upon in their small hometown. He wasn't strong enough to mine or join the military, so he turned to less-than-legal means of earning a bit of coin.

Atherton was oblivious and interested in another of their mutual friends, so Lenneth tried to put him out of mind. Later on, Atherton shipped off for Eorzea with the XIVth, and Lenneth moved to Rabanastre, barely managing to get into an apartment in the non-citizen slums with the money he'd earned selling illicit substances. While there, he learned enough alchemy to cut out the middleman and increase his profits, and he began dabbling in arcanima on the side for fun.

He branched into other black market activities, including information...which would soon prove his downfall. Lenneth came into possession of some military Magitek designs, and not realizing what exactly he had, he sold them off. Almost immediately, Frumentarium was after him, and he realized his mistake far too late. With no other options, he paid handsomely for passage to Eorzea, having himself trafficked like merchandise in a crate to Radz-at-Han, then Limsa Lominsa.

As he was staggering around the unfamiliar city's market, face stinging from the new tattoos he'd bought to blend in, he fortunately stumbled right into Atherton, of all the people in the world. Since then, he's been a member of the Blue Horizon FC, and gotten in and out of a wide variety of trouble.

Other Potential RP Hooks

  • Lenneth helps run The Gin Mill, a sketchy fight club, and rumor has it that he has an impressive number of wins under his belt. Someone itching for a brawl might want to try their hand at him.

  • He owns L. Andrew Alchemy in the Goblet, where one might buy or custom order any number of alchemical creations and reagents.

  • He also finds himself in need of unusual supplies from time to time and could place an order of his own with any characters who specialize in procurement.

  • As an arcanist trained in an uncommon school of magic, he has a bit of a reputation as a strange carbuncle-less mage. He's always willing to talk shop with other arcanists, or even mages from other schools of magic.

OOC Info

About Nevi

  • Crystal datacenter, Balmung server. I'm in the Pacific timezone and available pretty much whenever, even during the day. Just try and let me know when you want to RP in advance so I can plan around it.

  • I go by Nevi, and I use he/him pronouns (they/them is fine too). I'm transmasculine and queer, and pretty open about both facts. If that's not something you can respect, best to just not interact and save us the mutual headaches.

  • I have fibromyalgia and a few other ailments, as well as ADHD. Sometimes my energy's just really low, sometimes I forget things due to memory issues from multiple sources. If any of my characters seem to have forgotten something really important that they should know, please, ping me OOCly and see if I haven't just spaced it out and we can correct it on the spot.

  • I'm in my mid-30s, and live with my partner (who plays Atherton Namir) and our smelly cat. I spend most evenings with them, although that doesn't mean I can never RP in the evening, just that it won't be the majority of my time.

  • I also have a Carrd about myself and my character roster! Hit the 'About Me' button at the bottom of the page if you're very nosy.

RP Preferences

  • I tend towards single-sentence to paragraph responses. I'm not too picky on RP partners' length, but don't expect me to multi-para ingame. I generally prefer shorter just because it results in faster response times and a more lively scene.

  • I tend towards realism. Things have normal psychological effects on Lenneth, injuries take a realistic time to heal and have similar impacts to real life, etc. He's not the kind of character that you can just casually stab/shoot and then have a beer with; he'd be laid up for a while from the wound, and afterwards he wouldn't trust you.

  • I'm open to IC poly relationships. Lenneth has two boyfriends currently, but there's no reason other than social ineptitude on his part that he couldn't have more. That being said, I'd prefer relationships to happen organically rather than aggressively shipping regardless of chemistry.

  • I prefer to RP ingame where possible. Discord's too easy for me to forget that I'm doing it.

  • I'm fine with ERP, even just porn for porn's sake (in the right mood anyway), though you absolutely must also be of age, and your character must be of age too. Lenneth isn't terribly freaky, but he also isn't terribly hard to get into bed, as long as you're reasonably attractive and male.

  • I'm very big on consent in RP and don't really like walk-ups mid-scene. If you want to join, interrupt, eavesdrop, or just observe already ongoing RP, please ask first.

  • OOCly, I swear...kind of a lot. I'm also memelord trash.

  • I have a general character arc in mind for Lenneth, and I intend to stick to it. I respect people who take any RP happenings as they come, but it's not really my style personally. I reserve the right to tap out of anything that would cause him to wildly deviate from his own plot.

  • I also reserve the right to tap out of basically anything. I probably won't (maybe once or twice a year at most), but if something's really, really not fun, I'd rather just go do something else. I also don't mind if anyone I'm RPing with does the same, because hobbies should be enjoyable.

Hard No

  • No heavy drug use or addiction-focused RP. Weed/moko is okay, alcohol is okay, Lenneth's backstory does contain heavier stuff but I wrote that quite some time ago and it's no longer something I want to RP.

  • No sexual violence.

  • No ERP or other adult content with characters or writers under 18.

  • No homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise super bigoted content. Yes, you can write a character who expresses that sort of thing without being a bigot IRL! But it's also just not content I want to RP about.

  • Please don't expect IRL romance from me, even if we have a ship going.

  • No non-FFXIV insert characters, characters from other games, self-inserts, or any concepts that would cause my own characters to have to entirely break from FFXIV's lore to accommodate them (the First/other Shard characters are cool, since those actually do exist in-universe).

  • I'll write with high-powered characters, but only if they're written with some balance and don't try to use their power to solve everything without any conflict or development.

  • I'm not interested in character death or mutilation. Torture is a most-likely-no. If it comes up somehow we can negotiate that.

  • I'm not a fan of random meaningless violence, injury for injury's sake, or anything overtly whump-y. Major injury should make sense with the plot.

  • No first-person RP or script RP.

  • No god-modding or metagaming.

  • No consequence-free RP. That being said, if something happens that you as a writer later come to regret, let me know, I'm open to retcons and rewrites.